

She started with mIRC, and from there it migrated to ICQ, MSN messenger, then Orkut, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on. Even on those platforms that were born doomed to failure (who remembers Google Wave?), Chiara Martini, an expert in social media and Creative Strategy Director at The Coca-Cola Company, was present right away. 


Of all the alados of ASAS, Chiara is the youngest. She, more than all of us, has the pulse of the Internet close to her. She moved to the headquarters of The Coca-Cola Company in London to play the department of Creative Strategy. The provocative personality of the brand allowed them to experiment with languages ​​and formats, moving on quickly if they did not work. Lucky to have room to develop his autonomy, she knows how to take risks.

However, this is the reality of what transits in her own feed: "Overall, I would say ads are more landscapes. It's the same TV commercial rationale, when you get up to go to the toilet in the break of the novel." Chiara feels that brands look more for the number they buy than for the information they are putting into the world. Especially when it comes to social media, she believes there needs to be a tension for a conversation to exist.


"What do we want to cause? What's the conversation? What's the tension? We have a traditional idea about what makes communication sell, and we forget about the power that the connection has to it. direct and impulsive, but as a more solid, medium and long-term construction. "

In digital, we get a lot more understanding of the actual effectiveness of an ad, who interacted with it and who ignored it. Somehow this makes the pressure even greater to stand out, which is not necessarily bad. The biggest problem Chiara sees, however, is that brands are still very worried about exposing their logo, making sure everyone understands the benefit of the product in a traditional way.

"The formats have evolved but not the thought," she confesses. She tells how often the construction of the conversation takes place backwards, with brands more concerned with the platform of their conversations than with what they actually mean. For her, the first question should always be: what is the role that brands can play in people's lives?


"I do not work to erase the mark of the story, but to make it understand that it can play a more relevant role in the personal perspective, beyond what you want to sell, and it may be in a post, it may not be"


At ASAS Chiara knows her role well and how her experience adds to the collective: "She has experience, intuition, observation. I am very very curious about the motivation of the people behind the famous like."

She also understands that this is a space for exchanges, different views and backgrounds: "I love what I do, but I have this precious little gem called ASAS, where I can interact with people who bring me a diversity of thought."


As a legacy, Chiara wants to leave a feeling of restlessness, so that everyone understands that, on the Internet and in life, things are constantly evolving and learning.